Difference between 1900's and 20th Century (example)
I wanted to display this diagram in the form of a "proper" Venn diagram using two overlapping ovals.
However I had to revert to using Excel to create two overlapping rectangles, instead of the ovals, to represent the Venn image.
As such the resulting three sets of rectangles should, I hope, make the intent clear.
General Introduction
The idea of this webpage is to dispel the urban myth that relates to when a decade, century, millennium, etc, start and end
by relating this to the original calendars that utilised Roman numerals to "count" the days, months and years.
It must be remembered, and stressed, that under the counting system that utilises Roman numerals there is NO zero
("0") digit. The Romans had no concept of this "number" until they changed their counting system and adopted the Arabic
numerals comprising the 0 thru 9 numering system that we use today.