Hippocrates | Sanguine * The Extrovert * The Talker * The Optimist |
Choleric * The Extrovert * The Doer * The Optimist |
Melancholy * The Introvert * The Thinker * The Pessimist |
Phlegmatic * The Introvert * The Watcher * The Pessimist |
Greek Gods | Dionysus | Apollo | Prometheus | Epimetheus |
Seasons | Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter |
Elements | Air | Fire | Earth | Water |
Ancient Fluids | Blood | Yellow Bile | Black Bile | Phlegm |
Zodiac Signs | Gemini Libra Aquarius |
Aries Leo Sagittarius |
Taurus Virgo Capricorn |
Cancer Scorpio Pisces |
Merrill-Ried: Social Styles | Expressive | Driving | Analytical | Amiable |
Fr. Werling | Butterfly | Elephant | Frog | Turtle |
Jack Williams: Car Customers | Talkative | Impulsive | Deliberative | Timid |
Herbo-Psychiatrists | Pepper | Garlic | Ginger | Parsley |
Senn-Delaney | Promoters | Controllers | Analyzers | Supporters |
Leigh-Newcomb: Business Personalities | Fast Track | People Catalyst | Hard Changer | Power Broker |
Friedman-Rosenman: Cardiologists | Type A | Type B | ||
Furukawa: Blood-types | Type B | Type A | Type O | Type AB |
Peter Kostis: Golf Personalities | Fuzzy Zoeller | Tom Kite | David Graham | Ben Crenshaw |
Dr James Carr | Professional Good Guy | Fire-Eater | Resident Genius | Supreme Democrat |
Dr Dennis Hensley: Seminar Attenders | Late Arriver | Big Mouth | Would-Be Expert | Whisperer |
Billie Frazier: Givers | Impromptu Givers | Strings Attached | Record Keeper | Hesitant Givers |
DISC System: Performax | I = Influence | D = Dominance | C = Compliance | S = Supportive |
Activity Vector Analysis | Friendly | Aggressive | Prudent | Reserved |
Robert Bramson | Exploders | Sherman Tanks | Snipers | Indecisive Stallers |
Robert Lefton: Effective Motivation | Dominant-Warm | Dominant-Hostile | Submissive-Hostile | Submissive-Warm |
Bernice McCarthy: 4-Mat System | Colleague | Manager | Analyzer | Watcher |
Personal Dynamics | Expressive | Self-Reliant | Factual | Loyal |
Alessandra & Cathcart | Socializer | Director | Thinker | Relater |
Roger Hargreaves | Miss Sunshine | Miss Helpful | Miss Neat | Miss Shy |
Merrill Douglass | Talkers | Achievers | Thinkers | Affillators |
Lawrence Crabb | Emotional | Volitional | Rational | Personal |
![]() Littauer, F. "Your Personality Tree" Waco, TX, USA: Word Publishing, 1986 ISBN 0-8499-3169-X (Paperback) |
Williams, X. "Love, Health & Happiness" Australia: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995 ISBN 0-340-62244-X (Paperback) |
See also Personality Type Equivalents from the "Young Ladies Christian Fellowship" website.
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